We are currently all Harry Potter all the time in our house. In the past couple of months, we’ve watched all five movies so we’d be ready for #6, and my little guy and I have been reading the first book, a chapter a night. Now he’s watching Potter Puppet Pals on YouTube, probably completely inappropriate, but very funny. Funny and awesome craftiness. But he just asked me the question I always love and dread at the same time – can I make him a Harry Potter puppet? Love because he thinks I can make anything and dread because half the time it’s beyond my crafting abilities. Any other crafty moms have that problem?
Anyway, all this to say that I took a spin through Etsy to see if anyone else is making Harry Potter puppets right now and found these very sweet dolls, including Ron Weasley, by GirlCalledRic. I love the little Gryffindor necktie! More Potter characters, Star Trek and some super heroes in her Etsy shop.