Search Results for: books

July 6

Ron Weasley Doll

Ron Weasley Doll

We are currently all Harry Potter all the time in our house. In the past couple of months, we’ve watched all five movies so we’d be ready for #6, and my little guy and I have been reading the first book, a chapter a night. Now he’s watching Potter Puppet Pals on YouTube, probably completely inappropriate, but very funny. Funny and awesome craftiness. But he just asked me the question I always love and dread at the same time – can I make him a Harry Potter puppet? Love because he thinks I can make anything and dread because half the time it’s beyond my crafting abilities. Any other crafty moms have that problem?

Anyway, all this to say that I took a spin through Etsy to see if anyone else is making Harry Potter puppets right now and found these very sweet dolls, including Ron Weasley,  by GirlCalledRic. I love the little Gryffindor necktie! More Potter characters, Star Trek and some super heroes in her Etsy shop.

March 24

Who Watches the Watchmen?

If you read the amazing graphic novel by Alan Moore, in the past couple weeks, you probably have. You’ll receive no argument from me that The Watchmen was an incredible film, but as so often with beloved books-turned-movie there was a lot missing. Where is the pirate comic we all loved so much? And what about Hollis Mason and the excerpts from his book that gave us such a perspective on what it was like to be a masked crime fighter?.

Well, good news, folks. Warner Brothers is not letting us down. Today, on Blu-Ray, DVD, and On Demand you will find The Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter. In addition to the gut wrenching, often incredibly gory pirate tale that was the comic-inside-the-comic in The Watchmen novel, the disc will also feature Under the Hood, the back story on Hollis Mason, the first Nite Owl.

Even if you haven’t read the graphic novel, if you loved The Watchmen as a stand alone film, I know you’ll want to have your hands on these two other short films. In the book, Tales of the Black Freighter serves as a vivid and sometimes sickening parallel to what is happening in the world The Watchmen inhabit, and Under the Hood serves as more than a back story on the character who only managed one little scene in the film, but a look inside the inner workings of a “masked-avenger”. Perhaps one of my favorite lines from The Watchmen graphic novel came from Hollis Mason’s book:

I’ve heard all the psychologists’ theories, and I’ve heard all the jokes and the rumors and the innuendo, but what it comes down to for me is that I dressed up like an owl and fought crime  because it was fun and because it needed doing and because I goddam felt like it.

Okay. There it is. I’ve said it. I dressed up. As an owl. And fought crime. [sic] The Watchmen 1986, Alan Moore.

So there it is, I’ve said it. I’m going to buy The Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter. And you should too.

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Movies, Sci-Fi | Comments Off on Who Watches the Watchmen?
March 14

Star Wars Cook Book: Wookiee Cookies

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I know we don’t post a ridiculous amount of books on this site, but how could I resist posting something with a subtitle of “Wookiee Cookies”? Well, as you can see, I couldn’t. So here is the Star Wars Cook Book: Wookiee Cookies and other Galactic Recipes, that I found on geeksugar.

It is a little known fact that every single Star Wars Fan on Earth, actually, needs to eat just as much as those who do not like Star Wars (yes, there are people out there who do not like Star Wars, but rest easy, they aren’t trying to convert anyone to their twisted perspectives). So what better way to mend together your inate desire to eat food, with  your love of Star Wars? Well that’s easy, cook yourself a plate of Bobba Fett-uccini and some Wookie Cookies and turn on The Empire Strikes Back.

January 30

My Pet Virus by Shawn Decker & Some Awesome Vampire Crafts!


My Pet Virus by Shawn Decker is probably the funniest book you will ever pick up. Now, I admit, this isn’t something you expect to hear about a real-life-story of a kid with hemophilia who ends up contracting HIV through a blood transfusion, but that’s only because you don’t know Shawn Decker. Shawn has faced down his HIV positive status with a twisted sense of humor and a series of anecdotes that will challenge what you think you know about prejudice, AIDS and life as a teenager while making you laugh until your guts hurt.

In addition to writing My Pet Virus and performing in the band Synthetic Division, Shawn, and his HIV-negative wife, Gwenn travel the world educating people about AIDS and safe sex. They believe that if a “positoid” and a “negatoid” (Shawn’s terms–read the book and find out more) can make a sexually active marriage work, then maybe other people should be aware of how to do it, too. In addition, Shawn has recently finished his first fiction work, a story about vampires, and if you are anxiously awaiting the release, you will find updates at his blog Shawn & Gwenn: Blog.

Even though Shawn has just finished one of the more hectic times of year in his life, he agreed to sit down and answer a few questions for our Geek Crafts readers.

So you grew up in a small town as a hemophiliac, HIV positive kid who loved
Depeche Mode…did you ever see yourself traveling the US speaking publicly
about your cult-hit memoir and safe sex?

I really had no idea I’d be talking about my HIV status with my friends, let alone strangers.  At age 20, around the same time I definitively decided that Black Celebration was Depeche Mode’s finest album, I realized I wanted to open up about my HIV status.  At that point, I’d been diagnosed half my life, and it seemed like an exciting thing to do.  Also, I was inspired by Pedro Zamora, who’d been on MTV’s Real World reality show.  He was young, HIV positive and speaking at college campuses.  He passed to spirit a couple of years before I started educating about HIV, but I was able to meet his partner, Sean, and his roommate, Judd Winick, both of whom I thanked for the inspiration.
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January 24

Twilight Resin Necklace

Twilight Resin Necklace

I wasn’t going to read the Twilight series. I don’t do scary and I figured books about vampires would be scary. But then I caved and became as obsessed as every other teenage girl. Oh, wait, I’m way past “teenage.” Anyway, the books and the movie – I love them, so I was really excited to see this Twilight Resin Necklace that Craftster user merrydeath21 made for her daughter. You can click through to her post to read about how she made it with resin, printed images and a daily pill sorter.

Anyone else have a Twilight craft?