A Town Called Eureka

Monday marks the first episode of the final season of a little show called Eureka. As some may or may not know, I watch an TON of SyFy. Eureka is one of my favorite shows on the channel. The fact that it’s ending has my heart breaking.

In an effort to find something to quell the ache in my heart, I turned to Etsy. I was a little saddened to see such little content on this beautiful show. That was until I came across agirlfrommars‘s shop. In my hour of need, I saw this beautiful and simple homage to my beloved show and couldn’t help but squee.

The Global Dynamic phone charm is perfect for those of us who like simple ways to show their geekiness (which from my posts, is pretty obvious I’m one of those people).  The small charm with the logo of the company where everything can go right (but usually goes wrong), keeps those of us devastated by the cancellation of this show satisfied in pretending that we were there.

Video Game Charms

What’s you weapon? Xbox 360? Atari? Wii? Sega Genesis? Playstation? NES?

Which ever your choice then Alia from Etsy has it covered with this amazing set of controller charms made from polymer clay and accented with acrylic paint.

You can get hold of these delightful items at her Esty store ‘Outpost8’ among other video game and post apocalyptic jewellery.

I recommend you give her a look as she has some truely unique items.