Need a gift for your favorite aspiring chemist? Or perhaps you’re just looking for a way to bring some color into your own chem lab? What you need is this set of chemistry labels for your crayons. Queinteresante sells these for sets of eight, sixteen, twenty-four, forty-eight, ninety-six, or one hundred twenty crayons!

She explains:
This listing is for a set of 24 labels to stick in the crayons in a basic 24 pack of crayons so that while children are coloring, they are also exposed to the names of chemicals that will make those colors! So instead of thinking “I want green” they will think “I want Barium Nitrate Ba(NO3)2 Flame” and then when they take chemistry in high school and their teacher sets some gas on fire and it makes a green color and they ask the class what chemical it was your student will know it was Barium! Genius!
Genius for sure. I love these, and little kids are such sponges when they’re young… I’m sure some of this will stick with them for a long time. The wrappers are available through her etsy shop, or for those of you without etsy accounts, she’s made a separate website to sell from!