Doggy Ghost Costume
Doggies need Halloween costumes too! Craftster user Craftster2 made this adorable ghost costume for her dog, Chloe. Click through to see some more cuteness.
Doggies need Halloween costumes too! Craftster user Craftster2 made this adorable ghost costume for her dog, Chloe. Click through to see some more cuteness.
Sekkei posted her Silent Hill Nurse Costume on craftster, is it any surprise she won the costume contest she entered? This is one creepy Halloween costume!
When Craftster user BugPop and her flatmate were invited to a cartoon character party, she made these fun Thing One and Thing Two costumes from Dr. Suess’ The Cat in the Hat. I want to go to a party like that!
Chibi_Muse, on craftster, knows what being a true Harry Potter fan is about. Being a true Harry Potter fan involves spending two days on Golden Snitch Pasties to wear under your Gryffindor costume, in order to flash the attendees of a midnight showing on stage! I love these! I don’t know exactly how you would work them into a Halloween costume, but hey, you’re creative, right?
Warning! 80s flashback! I loved Rainbow Brite and I love this Rainbow Brite costume from Craftster user Green Elevator!
Why so serious? Alisonwondeland put together this awesome Joker Costume and posted it on craftster. She says she got the outfit from the local Salvation Army (thrift store jackpot!) and the make up is regular old Halloween make up you can get anywhere. If you aren’t lucky enough to find a purple suit at the thrift store, I must say I preferred the candy striper outfit on The Joker in the film.