January 22

Stephen King Heart Embroidery


 Today I heard the story of a 21 year old, Stephen King loving, video game geek who passed away from congestive heart failure on January 12th. Mikey was trying to “hold on” until The Watchmen movie came out, but sadly, this WOW loving geek passed before it happened. I thought to honor his memory I’d post this Stephen King Heart Embroidery that I found awhile back and was waiting for the “right time” to post.

Antarcticraft made and posted this detailed embroidery of a heart with a famous King quote “I have the heart of a small boy, it’s in a jar on my desk” embroidered in a great “creepy handwriting” style on craftster. This is something I would love to have in a frame next to my Stephen King collection on my shelf, great job, antarcticraft!

January 19

Zombie Baby Ball

Zombie Baby Ball

Craftster user ChrisSews wanted to make something that a guy would enjoy opening at a couples baby shower. Since the guy in question is into zombies, she came up with a Zombie Training ball. She says,

I embroidered the baby zombie, and the “Future Zombie Hunter” on black satin and white flannel.  I found this great black and red skull fabric and also used some red velvet, red grid fleece, white striped terry to make lots of different textures for the baby.  I also added some ribbon taggies.  I finished it off with black felt end caps embroidered with the biohazard symbol.

This baby will be prepared for the inevitable zombie invasion right from the start!

Category: Craft, Geek, Myths & Urban Legends, Toys | Comments Off on Zombie Baby Ball
January 19

Molecular Embroidery Coffee Cozy


















This is a geeky craft after my own heart! Bean posted this molecular embroidered coffee cozy on Coyote Craft. This is the perfect gift for me! Um. I mean, this is the perfect gift for that coffee-addict in your life who not only loves homemade gifts, but knows exactly what is in their coffee (caffiene and water molecules are featured on the cozy).

January 15

Manos: The Hands of Fate Felt Book

Manos: The Hands of Fate Felt Book

I got this amazing submission from Geek Crafter Beth. She made a felt and embroidered book detailing the scenes of Manos: The Hands of Fate. (A 1966 horror movie – I had to look it up, too.) Beth posted all the pages of the book on Craftster, under the user name mcbeth. You all must click through to see the rest of the book – it is amazing!!! She’s also got all sorts of crafty things posted on her website, The Blue Trinity Gallery.