I find it my geekly duty to inform any Geek Crafts readers that haven’t already heard, about The Shadow Hare. The Shadow Hare is a real-life Watchman in Cincinnati, OH. Not much is known of the Shadow Hare, other than that the Cincinnati PD is a little confused as to how to deal with this masked avenger who is patrolling their streets. After reading the initial article on TMZ, I did a little research and found a couple other news stories featuring The Shadow Hare and, of course, his myspace page.
If you’re not in Cincinnati, don’t fret. A little more research, and I discovered that there is an allegience of masked avengers (The Allegiance of Super Heroes) patrolling the streets. There is a Mr. Extreme in San Diego, CA and Wall Creeper in Colorado, along with many others who stay organized through the web.
Now, they may have taken The Watchmen a little too seriously, or maybe they are really awesome dudes trying to fight crime…but it’s unusual, and very geeky. And since they make their own costumes, very crafty. I love it. Absolutely love it.