I don’t know about you, but it’s cold where I’m at. Cold, grey, dead . . . Can you tell I hate winter? To combat my own winter doldrums I love using fun and ridiculous winter hats. It’s hard not to laugh at a Yeti hat, no? (I bought this one at my local grocery store, but you can find one here.)
There are plenty of great patterns and DIYs for geeky winter hats on the intarwebz, so I’ve rounded up a few to help you with your own winter blues. The first is this great, free crochet pattern on Ravelry, by SnappyTots, for a Police Box earflap hat. This would be a fantastic gift for the Whovians in your life.
This hat would be perfect for my 2-year-old nephew. He loves the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as only a two-year-old can, with a deep and abiding wuv. As much as he loves Turtles, he hates wearing winter gear no matter how cold it gets outside. This hat, though, he might never take off. And you could probably find the fleece you need in the scrap/remnant bins at your local fabric store (or in your own stash). You can find the pattern and instructions, all by PiePopper, here on Instructables.
I’m a huge fan of Sharknado, and I absolutely fell in love with this Shark Attack Hat DIY on Instructables (also by PiePopper). It’s not technically Sharknado inspired, but it’s definitely shark-tastic.
Last, but not least, he is: Yoda! I don’t knit, but this hat pattern with giant Yoda ears makes me want to learn. The pattern is free on Craftsy, and it’s by Kaira Anne Designs. The pattern is sized for a child, but she’s got a link (http://aknitica.com/2010/10/01/how-to-knit-a-hat/ ) in her description to a tutorial on how to knit a basic hat, and the tutorial has some tips on sizing.
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