March 13

Makeup Artist Uses Hijab To Transform Into Disney Princesses

tumblr_inline_o35wftIs331qk37z0_1280.png.cfMalaysian makeup artist Saraswati (also know as Queen of Luna) loves Disney – and she doesn’t let the fact that she wears a hijab hinder her from expressing her obsession.

Saraswati has shared more than 300 looks including Batman, Tinker Bell, Mulan, Jafar and Alice in Wonderland. While some might opt to dye their hair or wear wigs, the mother-of-two completely transforms herself using coloured hijabs. It’s pretty impressive.

The artist has built up a huge fan base, now followed by more than 184k people, with many of them starting to make their own character requests, and others simply fans.

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March 7

These Are The Shoes You’re Looking For


I know I’ve posted shoe tutorials before, and there are certainly a lot of them out there, but this BB-8 Heels Tutorial is intense. To make your own BB-8 heels you’ll need to know how to weld, because that’s how user mikeasaurus attached the new 2.5″ steel post that supports the shoe and sports the rotating body of the cutest little droid ever.  The tutorial is great, complete with step-by-step pictures and detailed instructions.  If you’re like me and perhaps find welding a bit beyond your skill set, then maybe try adapting this cute shoe design to a pair of flats. Either way, these shoes would be a big hit at your next convention!

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February 22

Make Steampunk Goggles on a Budget


Steampunk cosplay can get expensive in a hurry.  Fortunately, has got you covered with this great tutorial on making steampunk goggles with stuff you can find at Dollar Tree.  You’ll find step-by-step instructions with pictures, and there’s even a bit of a “post-mortem” on the tutorial where Darren describes some things he might do differently next time, and even some suggestions on different materials.  This tutorial is a great starting point and would be easy to customize to match your own cosplay, so be sure to check it out and give it a try!

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February 8

Your Ultimate Convention Going Checklist


Convention season is approaching (actually, I’ve got three cons this month!), and I’ve put together a checklist for con-goers getting ready to go to their next convention. If you’ve never been to pop culture convention, or even if you’ve been to dozens, it’s always good to be prepared. Check out the list of things to take and even research before going so you can have the best con experience ever. There’s even a downloadable version of the checklist, including tips for cosplayers!  Do you have any advice for folks getting ready to go to their next convention? Share them with us in the comments or on FB!

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October 31

Lady Skellington for Halloween

lady skellington

Just in time for Halloween, Darkspectre Custom Couture of Newberry, FL, posted this image of a gender bent Jack Skellington dress on Imgur.

It is a one of a kind commission piece, and the store do not have any more in stock, as all of their items are hand crafted and made to order. Their garments are not costumes, but rather, they are actual clothing quality pieces and meant for wear. This dress was in the works for four months.

October 10

Make An Amazing Toothless Costume For Extremely Patient Dogs

Loki in Costume

Before we get started, I want to point out there is a dog wearing this Toothless costume.

Don’t believe me? Check this out.

Loki in Costume 2

Say hello to Loki, quite possibly the world’s happiest dressed dog. Loki is the model of a dog’s Toothless costume from “How to Train Your Dragon.” The directions walk through the entire process, and even includes how to make a dummy body of your dog, if you happen to have a dog chill enough to sit still for duct tape and plastic. My dog, not so much, but for those of us with less than patient dogs, there’s also directions on how to take measurements instead.

Rogue Siren is the creator of the costume and she’s also got an Instructable on how to create your own mermaid tail (she performs as a mermaid for parties in the Atlanta area).

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