Join the Zompocalypse by Making Your Own Zombie Plushie!


I just spent the weekend selling my handmade goodies at TopCon, a small pop-culture convention in Topeka, KS. One of the guests, Mike Mundy, was a zombie on The Walking Dead, so there was a lot of zombies hanging around this weekend.  All those undead inspired me to share this great tutorial on making your own zombie plushie on the blog Heidi Boyd.  This tutorial offers more inspiration than actual techniques, but if you’re familiar with basic hand sewing skills, you’ll have no problem making your little Zombie Plushie friend to hunt down brains with.  You could even mix it up a bit and use different colored fleece, felt scraps, and embroidery floss.  The tutorial offers up a great, basic starting point for your imagination to take over.  Be sure to share your adventures in zombie making with us!

Lady Vadore in All Her Glory

Well, it was worth the wait. Epbot‘s Jen Yates has posted pics of her finished Lady Vadore costume, followed by shots of her in action at Star Wars Celebration. Love the creativity and the attention to detail. And it lights up—how much more do you want? It lights up! So cool.

The Golden Compass in Cuff Form

Love this cuff—it reminds me of The Golden Compass (Northern Lights in England, apparently), which, as far as I’m concerned, is one of the greatest books ever. Love the whole damn His Dark Materials series, in fact. I didn’t read them till college, but I was besotted. I read the next two volumes post-graduation, while commuting, and kept missing my bloody stop on the subway. And occasionally crying on the train while reading The Amber Spyglass. So brilliant. Have them on my shelf now; must reread.

Oh, right. So, yeah. I like this cuff because of that whole convoluted backstory.

Lucky and Lovable

I’m not sure if The Neverending Story is truly geeky or just beloved by children of the ’80s, but dragons are inherently a bit geeky, no? At least that’s my reasoning behind sharing this Falcor [sic] the Luck Dragon necklace. Also: It’s flat-out adorable. As are some of the other goodies in Rude & Reckless’ Etsy shop—this Monocled Octopus Necklace is particularly enchanting.

A Clockwork Earring

I have a confession: I really don’t do steampunk. I don’t know why—I think it’s visually appealing, reminds me of Jules Verne and Firefly (both good things), and I get the rationale…I guess it’s just not for me. Maybe it doesn’t quite fit in with my overall personal style, which otherwise seems to encompass a helluva lot. Even with that disclaimer, I wouldn’t mind adding one of these babies to my jewelry collection. In fact, I like quite a few of the wearable geegaws and doodads in Jynx’s Box—they clearly convey the steampunk aesthetic (steampunkery? steampunkness?) without being so over-the-top that you couldn’t wear them without looking costumey.

Friday Roundup: My Bloody Valentine

As you might have realized, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Perhaps you are planning on celebrating with that certain someone…or perhaps you’re ignoring the event entirely (it’s okay, it’s a sham holiday largely designed to promote the sale of greeting cards). Either way, you might want to get a gift, either for said certain someone or for yourself (because this is the fun part of being an adult—you get to buy yourself things). So why not take the standard Valentine’s trope of jewelry and skew it just a little bit? See how good your Valentine’s sense of humor really is.

Roses are red…and so is blood. So, if you and/or your beloved are fans of any of those vampire shows out there (whatever, I only count Buffy), the Twilight movies (Bah! Vampires don’t sparkle), or have an overall appreciation for general guts ‘n’ gore, consider some of these options. (Note: There are plenty of vial-of-faux-blood necklaces out there, but I’m choosing to ignore them. I just don’t find them that compelling. If that’s your thing, trust me—you can find them in spades. You don’t need my help.)

So La Fille du Consul’s Tour de Cou Sanglant necklace was my original inspiration for the post. Saw it years ago, couldn’t figure out how to actually purchase one, so I wound up making two (one for myself, one for a friend) on my own. ‘Twas a snap. I made a wire armature, surrounded it with clay, baked it, painted it, painted it again, glossed it, stitched on ribbon ties. Et voilà! The hardest part was waiting for the paint to dry between coats. Wish I could post a picture of my handmade version, but my necklace is currently packed up with the rest of my belongings and being intercontinentally shipped.

Since I first stumbled across that delightfully bloody, drippy necklace, I’ve found numerous iterations of the same idea. Here’s Trashglam’s acrylic version and Art for a Home’s basic Blood Drip Necklace and Extra-Bloody Necklace. VonErickson’s Laboratory features entire sections of the shop devoted to dripping necklaces and bracelets and gruesome gash necklaces.

If you prefer something a little less overtly gory and more elaborately Victorian, how about Fable & Fury’s Vampire Blood Drip Statement Necklace? It’s made of red powder-coated stainless steel and it’s fabulously ornate.

Oh, and if beading is more up your alley, don’t worry—you have plenty of options there, too. First up is Weirdly Cute’s Slasher Victim Necklace, followed by House of D’s Axolotl Gill/Blood Drop Necklace.

For those who want something subtle yet suggestive (Is it supposed to look like blood? Is it not? Intriguing….), here are two excellent options: QuirkyOak’s Gothic Choker Necklace and Lily Lady Blue’s True Blood Siam Red Lariat.

My favorite entry in the relatively subtle category is Weirdly Cute’s Vampire Victim Necklace, which properly conveys that freshly-bitten look.

Finally, we have a rather unusual ring to add to the list of bloody beautiful jewelry: Jane D’Arensbourg’s Drops of Blood Glass Knuckle Duster. I’m not gonna lie—in the already unconventional genre of blood-themed jewelry, that’s still a pretty unexpected piece. But, again, it’s also pretty fantastic. So buy it for yourself, give it to your Valentine…just don’t use it to propose.