It’s never too early to get started on those Valentines, and I’ve found some great ones for Star Wars and Doctor Who fans.
The first series of valentines are designs from Alecia at AleciaDawn Photography. She’s got seven separate designs, all of them epic, and all of them perfect for kids and adults (and anyone in between). All you have to do is download and print them out on some card stock.

The second series I found while exploring the wilds of the intarwebz are valentines from Heidi Schulz and her blog Frantically Simple. These exploit my ultimate weakness, Doctor Who. These are definitely worth traveling through space and time, but you’ll only have to download them and print them out on some card stock to enjoy.

The last series of valentines I found are from Hanasaurusrex! Nothing says “I love you” like zombies, so look no further for Valentine’s Day cards than here!
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