When we decided to each pick our top three Halloween costumes from the last two months, I knew I had a tough job ahead of me. We found so much pure gold this year, and it was really hard to choose just three, but I did my best. So without further adieu, my top three:

The Yip Yips by Tracy Lawson, they are sparkly, cute, and nostalgic! What more could you want? And if you’re going to be an adult in a Sesame Street costume, please, please, do not dress up as Elmo!

Two: Baby Elvis Costume! Seriously, at what other time has a kid so small rocked so much (I’m excluding toddlers with mohawks for this one)? CuriousFae did an awesome job on this one! (via craftster).

And last but not least: THE GORE! Halloween is historically about death and ghosts, and GORE, why else did I rent three horror movies to watch tonight? The Dissection Costume wins on the gore factor! To make it even cooler, jessicution didn’t go to the Halloween super store to pick this number up, it is all made from scratch, even the fake blood! Totally awesome! (via craftster).