Weeping Angel Wig for Halloween



The Purple Pumpkin Shop of Ashford, CT has all the yarny wigs you’ll need for Halloween this year, including this awesome Weeping Angel wig from Doctor Who.

This Weeping Angel wig / Statue wig features 3 shades of grey yarn styled in a braided bun, along with smaller braids and twists. This wig is highly structured so buyers need to measure their heads before ordering. This wig goes for only $42.00 plus shipping.

Weeping Angel DIY – Pin of the Week

weeping angel

Check out this amazing weeping angel made out of a barbie! Isn’t it awesomely creepy? I definitely have to make one, if I can get my hands on a barbie…

Wich-Crafting has a great tutorial for how to make one here. It’s one of the best weeping angels I’ve ever seen! You could make one in attack mode as well!

Follow my geek crafts board on Pinterest here.

Guess Who: Doctor Who Edition

Doctor Who Guess Who game by Karen Kavett

If you’re jonesing for the next Doctor Who season to start like we are at my house, you’ll want to check out this cool project by Karen Kavett – she repurposed a 1980s Guess Who board game into a custom Doctor Who version. How fun would it be to have this at a premiere watch party??

Karen paid significant attention to detail, painting the plastic trays a TARDIS blue, and the scoring pegs like mini sonic screwdrivers. She created (rebooted) Doctor Who images to replace the original people cards, including the 9th, 10th, and 11th Doctor, his Companions, and other important characters (DON’T BLINK when you flip up that Weeping Angel card!). She graciously provided PDFs of her images, to make it easier for the rest of us Whovians.

Not satisfied to stop with the Doctor, Karen also repurposed a Clue game as a Hunger Games version!

Links of Interest:


Little Weeping Angel Cosplay

I must be missing Halloween today, because I’m all about cosplay for some reason!


This little weeping angel appeared at the Chicago Comic Entertainment Expo this year. I don’t know her name, only that her parents rock for helping with such a great costume. David Ngo was lucky enough to get this photo without being hurt in the process.


Dr. River SongI love Doctor Who, I love classic Who, new Who, I love Number Ten, and I LOVE Eleven. But the character that has been making the last few seasons spectacular, in my humblest of opinions, is Dr. River Song. She is just hot in all the right ways and cool in all the right ways–and now that we know who she is, I can’t wait to see how things play out.

Rain submitted this awesome River Song Plushie from her MoonyCouture Etsy Shop. They can make you a plushie of ANY human character on the show (and I even spotted a Weeping Angel in there)! They are really cool, and I don’t know how anyone could stand to pick just one!

4th Doctor Minimalist Painting

4th Doctor Minimilist PaintingDoctor Who has been a favorite of mine since I was just a wee little geek.  Tom Baker was the 4th Doctor in the series, but he was my first and has continued to be my favorite as the series has progressed.  His iconic scarf and hat have always defined for me the way that the Doctor should look.

This Minimalist painting by Etsian geekasms perfectly captures the 4th doctor in all his splendor.  Minimalist paintings are something I am finding very interesting right now, and have been spreading around the interwebs like wild fire.  Since I am spending a week in Jolly ol’ London, England, I thought I would share my love of Doctor Who with all of you.

Michael Parsons, who runs geekasms on Etsy, has done a whole slew of Minimalist Paintings and is selling prints on Etsy.  Some of my favorites include his Tardis and Weeping Angel prints.  Each print is signed and limited to 25 copies, so you better get them while you can.

Go get the Print!

Visit geekasms on Etsy

Need More Dr. Who?  Geekcrafts has you covered!