You Need An Origami Sorting Hat Game


Who doesn’t need an Origami Sorting Hat? Lucky for us all that Adelle Belnap from the blog Packed With Fun has created this adorable (and FREE!) printable Origami Sorting Hat game.  Her post includes a link to download your own Sorting Hat along with plenty of pictures and instructions.  Looks to me like this would be a fun way to spend an afternoon with friends (or the kids, or by yourself).  Enjoy!

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Guess Who: Doctor Who Edition

Doctor Who Guess Who game by Karen Kavett

If you’re jonesing for the next Doctor Who season to start like we are at my house, you’ll want to check out this cool project by Karen Kavett – she repurposed a 1980s Guess Who board game into a custom Doctor Who version. How fun would it be to have this at a premiere watch party??

Karen paid significant attention to detail, painting the plastic trays a TARDIS blue, and the scoring pegs like mini sonic screwdrivers. She created (rebooted) Doctor Who images to replace the original people cards, including the 9th, 10th, and 11th Doctor, his Companions, and other important characters (DON’T BLINK when you flip up that Weeping Angel card!). She graciously provided PDFs of her images, to make it easier for the rest of us Whovians.

Not satisfied to stop with the Doctor, Karen also repurposed a Clue game as a Hunger Games version!

Links of Interest:


Harry Potter Monopoly!

harry potter monopoly

Holy Cricket!! »rc on Design in Technology Education made this AMAZING Harry Potter Monopoly game! I would pay a lot of money for this! And the best part is, he has also uploaded the files to make your own Harry Potter Monopoly, and a post to give you some hints on making your own game! All you need is an old monopoly game, a colour printer (the board has to be printed in two parts), some mod podge (or similar) and a bit of spare time! I am so excited by this! I’m going to spend my afternoon trawling the charity shops for and old monopoly game! I might even make some player pieces out of fimo!