I’ll Be in My Bunk with Jayne

Jayne Cobb chibi plush by Vicious Pretty

In honor of Adam Baldwin’s birthday on Friday (February 27th), I wanted to share something beyond the iconic hat he wore as Jayne Cobb in “Firefly.” We’ve shared a number of different variations of the Jayne Cobb hat over the years, such as a Doctor Who version, a scarf version, a cupcake version, and a lip balm cozy version.

Today I bring you the plushie version – as in, sitting atop a cute Jayne Cobb chibi plush, as created by Cristina, aka ViciousPretty.

Cristina shared her creation over on DeviantArt, where she also has an extensive gallery of other adorable plushie creations, such as Gandalf, Namor, and a number of Mass Effect characters.

Cristina’s Jayne plushie is so cute and cunning, I just want to take him right to my bunk and cuddle. What character have you created in plush form, or have plans to attempt?

Also, be sure to wish Adam a happy birthday on Friday via Twitter!

Links of Interest:

Knit a Very Cunning Cupcake

jayne cupcake

Jayne strapped on his hat
And in five seconds flat
Stole everything Boss Higgins had to steal.
Hero of Canton, The Ballad of Jayne Cobb

The hero of Canton had a hat.  Some tried to take the yarn away from us. Well then I say let us knit cake! Cupcakes, cunning ones at that. Blogger wipinsanity has created a free knitting pattern for a  Jayne cupcake.

Look at that cake, you know you want to make up.

You Can’t Take The Yarn From Us!!


The evil shadow of Fox has fallen again upon the verse. First they took our show. Now they want our yarn.

In the spirit of things, I’ve decided to share one of my favorite ’Cunning Cap’ inspired crafts… the Cunning Cozy! This cunning little cozy is the perfect place to store (or hide) your lip balm no matter where in the verse you are.

“Not a fan of lip balm? The hat can also be used as a pencil topper or ornament.” ~ Kristin Stevenson

The creator  of the Jayne Hat Lip Balm Cozy is Kristin Stevenson of Tiny Purrs. You may recognize her as the creator of the Ewok scoodie shared on this site earlier in the year.