Famine Pony Cake…Ok, let me explain

Some time ago, my fantastic husband surprised me with a shirt from Shirt Woot that featured The Four Little Ponies of the apocalypse. Some girls like jewelry, some girls are into chocolate, I love me some creepy-end-times mixed in with beloved childhood toys. In case you haven’t seen the shirt, here is the image:

I try to be careful where I wear it. Once I was waiting for a table at a popular Sunday brunch spot  and a little girl was excitedly pointing to my shirt. Her grandmother was like, “Oh look! You like those don’t yyyy…” and then she must have spied the famine pony because she shielded the little girls eyes and walked away from me.


Sorry grandma and little girl! I didn’t mean to horrify ya’ll.

Anyway, I didn’t realize that there was a Robot Chicken (I know, I don’t have cable…) tie-in with The Four Ponies of the Apocalypse until I stumbled upon this wonderfully geeky blog called Geek Sweets (lives up to its promise, check it out, so cute) and I found a Famine Pony cake! So yay, you guys!  I mean, boo to actual famine, but… Yay Jenny at Geek Sweets and yay internet for bringing the weird stuff together.

If anyone knows more about the origin of these ponies, feel free to leave it in the comments. Like I said, I knew very little outside of finding the t-shirt to be hilarious and a sweet gift.

One thought on “Famine Pony Cake…Ok, let me explain”

  1. This is one of my husband’s favourite Robot Chicken sketches ever. (that and the Hotel Rwanda Care Bears) and so I made him a pony cake once for his birthday. It wasn’t nearly as cute as this one!

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