Tight tight tight!

Are you excited for the Breaking Bad premiere? Of course, by the time this post goes up, the first show of the season will be over, but it you can’t stay up quite that late (like me!) or have to record it, the excitement is still fresh on Monday!  At any rate,  Allison Hoffman can help you channel your love of chemistry-gone-bad into craft with this crochet pattern for Walt and Jessie, complete with tighty-whities (for Walt) and removable hazmat suites. Both gentleman have itty-bitty crocheted Erlenmeyer flasks and Walt even has a little wire pair of glasses, but no amigurumi breathing masks, unfortunately.  Because of the little wire parts, these guys are not suitable for children, but then again, as is pointed out in the Ravelery post, I’m hoping your kids are not watching this show!