“Friends” Replica Apartment

friends apartment

I love this because it’s not the typical “geek” craft. Sayingwhatyourethinking posted a series of photos over on Imgur, and they are all close-ups of Monica and Rachel’s apartment from “Friends,” minus the bathroom, bedrooms and Monica’s messy closet at the end of the hallway. You can even see the little balcony where the group could watch Ugly Naked Guy across the way.

Unfortunately, for all it’s detail, Sayingwhatyourethinking didn’t mention if it was his project or one that he saw online and just really liked.

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I’m AmyLynn98 and I get to join all of you as your new Saturday morning poster. I enjoy crochet (a lot of the kinds of crochet and sewn items I make tend to be toys for friends and family made from my own patterns), sewing and card making as my main crafts, and now I can show all of you the really creative and crafty people out there that share our love handmade goodies.

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