MOO Giveaway

Great news! We’re working with the guys from MOO who are offering a lucky winner some great MOO products for free! Win a MOO Felt MiniCard holder and 100 MiniCards to go in the holder! In case you’ve not come across MOO before, they print business cards, stickers, greeting cards, MiniCards, labels and postcards.

A Little More About MOO


MOO was born out of a passion of beautiful, high-quality print and design – they make creating and printing your own unique products so simple. Be sure to check out the new Christmas cards range too, the holidays will be here before you know it!


Prize: 100 MOO MiniCards and a Felt MiniCard Card Holder for 1 lucky winner.


How To Win!


To win one of the MOO prizes, all you have to do is leave a comment below and tell us why you deserve to win these great prizes? Be creative, fun and most importantly unique! If you make us laugh you’re in with a great chance of walking away with some great prizes.

The winners will be selected from the comments below at midnight on Sunday, November 6th. Please remember to enter a valid email address so we can send you your free stuff :)

28 thoughts on “MOO Giveaway”

  1. My old coworker used to call me Connie the Cow because it was a popular kid’s show in Costa Rica where he grew up, so it’s only appropriate that I moo-ve these business cards to let people know about my blog and brand! Plus I love the vibrant colors.

  2. I’m finishing week 8 of my 12-week-long student teaching for my master’s degree. In just a little over a month, I graduate and have to start the job search…in the middle of the school year! It would be wonderful to have freshly minted MOO cards to hand out when I go to job fairs, interviews, and if I substitute teach again, to hand out to potential long-term employers. These cards would give me a little edge (a cute edge!) against the competition.

  3. An old family friend used to mess up my name and call me “Elsie” which was the cow mascot for a major dairy. I hated that variation of my real name. My little brother used to moo at me for a day after we saw her.
    Also….I am sewing TONS of blocks for bees (charity and otherwise) that these little cards would help organize (and save my hands for sewing rather than writing my info over and over again.)

  4. I am a fashion designer and blogger, and for the past two years I’ve been making my own business cards, stickers, notes, etc. This is such a time consuming task! I would love to win this giveaway so Moo can help me take my business from plain old shabby, to shabby tres-chic!

  5. Tomorrow my fiance has a three hour interview for a job we SO want; a job BACK HOME! I’m pretty confident he will get the job, and I’m pretty confident he will need new business cards, because, uhm, apparently everyone loves to contact computer geekers.

  6. COLOURS!!!

    Why does a milking stool only have three legs?
    Because the cow has the udder!

    Moo cards please!?

  7. Moo mooooo mroo moo. MooooOOOooo moo. Muu muu. Snort huff mooooooo.

    I do hope I’ve made my point clear.

  8. These MOO MiniCards will help me be more sensitive to clients with tiny hands (relevant: The cards’ smaller size will be more suited to theses clients’ more diminutive digits, and the increased confidence gained by the clients’ acquisition of one of these tiny-hand-fitting cards will follow them as they go about their day. Who knows — one of them could even become president as a result. In conclusion, as a nation, can we really afford for me NOT to win these cards?

  9. I deserve these cards because snow in October apparently freaked out Massachusetts, and as a result I didn’t have power for a few days. I know that a lack of electricity has nothing to do with this prize, but I was cold and cranky and I want a reward.

  10. WOW!! MOO!!
    I love this premium design company for people who have higher standards than just going to your local mass printing company!

    I’ve recently graduated from my Bfa and am looking to go back to school for my Mfa. But the thing is that i’m totally off the grid! Having Moo-licious business cards that would allow people to contact me would make me dairy happy!

    It would be great to win this beautiful prize… so i can hand out a little MOO and a little ME all at once!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

    xoxox keep crafty! ;)

  11. Admittedly right now I don’t feel like I personally need the cards, but my best friend is currently struggling financially but wants business cards to hand out when she has the chance to venture into the acting scene. I do my best to show her my support whenever I have the chance, and I know this could fall nicely into the support category.

  12. I always wanted to have business cards. I have never had a business or a title, though. I thought it would be great to have a card that says “Amanda Phillips, Nothing Special”. I think it’s hilarious. I could never talk my husband into paying for that. However, I am to have a title soon and would like to be able to have some business cards.

  13. Ok…so, here’s the thing…I probably shouldn’t be telling you this so lets keep it on the D.L.
    The truth is, I am really a top secret government operative sent here from 200 years in the future. I have been sent back in time to bring home as much soda pop as possible, as we in the future have been using it as fuel.
    The problem is, no one believes me. Surely i’f I had professional looking business cards, Everyone would give me their soda pop, and the future would be saved!

    Pick me…for the future!

  14. pick me just because it would be awesome. my birthday just so happens to be on christmas and it seems as if i get less presents than everyone else because people are supposed to buy 2 so usually my birthday is overlooked… this would make an awesome birthday season for me!


  15. I really need this. I just started Middle School and it’d be really fun to give people my phone number on awesome cards. It’d awesome because if somebody asks for my number, I could suddenly whip the cards out and be like “Yeah! That’s right, I got my own cards! You don’t?”.
    Or maybe I’m walking down the hallway, when suddenly I whip out my cards and like dogs following a bone, I’m surrounded by a group of girls screaming “I want one!”
    And I’m all like “Ladies! Ladies! There are enough cards for all of you!”
    Haven’t you ever wanted to have that one cool thing everybody wanted? Well you could grant me that wish!

  16. These are so cute! I’d love to use these for my photography hobby/side job, little business cards with my own work on them! :)

  17. I’m just before publishing my new portfolio,
    and the cards with different images on each are a great option to show some different works….


  18. I would love to win these! They would totally help me with my etsy business as awesome cards to send off with my products! I have been looking into getting something for awhile now and this looks like the perfect company to try :) I would use them to showcase my artwork/business and hopefully net some more sales/fans/customers from it!

  19. Well, the obvious reason is that I just started a job and I think that’d be awesome. I could pull them out and it’s say CAITLIN: WASHING UP AND TEA SERVER EXTRAORDINAIRE. BAM and wow, what a cool job!

    However, why I want these cards is more personal. I’m planning on having them printed with “Caitlin: the girl who likes you, you blind moron” and giving them to they I like to give him a MASSIVE hint as so far he’s blind to my advances.

  20. moo cards are for spreading information.

    I want to spread craft.
    Love the moo cards. A designer friend of mine told me someone was gonna charge her $450 to whip her up some business cards. I sent her right to moo, and I think she fired her business card person.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  21. I would love these, it would help me promote my business so maybe I would start making money instead of just spending it :)

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