Nood the Noob

Nood the NoobDoes everyone hate writing introductions for themselves? I’m considering doing the whole thing in third person and instructing you to read it in a TV-announcer voice… but it just wouldn’t be the same without a spangly curtain to hide behind. Ug, ok, here we go…

Hi, I’m Noodle. No relation to The FSM; it’s a nickname I picked up working in New York one summer, during another excruciating introductory event. We were going around the circle, telling everyone ”what we want to get out of working together;” the platitudes were getting more vomit-us by the minute. The girl directly before me explained that she wanted to (I quote) ”Learn a new recipe for soup, so as to combine the best bits from all of us into one nourishing whole.” I, completely inexplicably came out with ”And I want to be the noodles in your soup, absorbing all the goodness.” And thus The Noods was born.

I’m still not sure if they realised I was joking.

Actually, I’m not sure if they were joking either.

Anyway, I suppose I should tell you a little about myself, that being the purpose of this post. Where to start?

I’m a technician in west end theatre, currently working on War Horse. I’m a part-time student, doing physical sciences (currently in the midst of a maths module, which I am both terrified of and enthralled by). I’m a massive bookworm – anything fantasy (comedy wizards in stupid hats) or period drama (sexy repressed men in stupid hats). To counterbalance my amateur librarian tendencies, I am also an avid bookcrosser. When I get a spare moment I like spending time with my other half (I am utterly smug and unbearable about him since he is the most attractive (looks like Johnny Depp) and smartest (brains like Alan Turing) man in existence. I’d advise you not to get me started on the subject because I will go on all day) and our cat, or hanging out with friends in pubs.

Oh, and I occasionally do a spot of crafting; mostly needlework or sock-toy making, but I’ll have a whirl at any ideas that pop into my head. I also sometimes get roped into prop-making, which is usually utterly surreal (”ok, you want a giant roast chicken dressed as a bridesmaid, that will bounce when it’s thrown at the floor?”) I have a craft blog, and use Craftster if you’re interested in checking out my stuff.

Have I rambled on enough now? Let’s hope so – I’m somewhat surprised that there’s anyone left reading…

I shall leave you now to go and make my first proper post, which I promise will be completely devoid of irrelevant personal anecdotes (but I can’t hold back on the terrible puns. I apologise in advance)

