Terrible Puns, Artfully Knitted

It is January 17th and I have made zero progress on my new year’s resolutions, I just haven’t got around to it.

I have not re-made the towels that I embroidered badly and wanted to unpick. I have not finished the second cushion from my set, even though it’s almost done and will only take an afternoon. I have not taken my sewing machine to the repair shop despite it’s having been kerput for nearly 2 months. I have not even started the hat I promised my boy, even though the supplies are stashed under my bed (and have been for a year)…

I just haven’t got a round to it.

Fohttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=306450999399419&set=a.254079531303233.70053.248032208574632&type=1&theaterrtunately for me,  Ayliza, a knitter I follow on Facebook, has exactly the same problem, and she created this Round Tuit so she can get on with stuff. She’s planning to stock them in her Etsy store so that we can all get a round tuit, stop waiting or procrastinating and get on; To Do Lists at the ready, let’s (finally) tick some stuff off.

Ayliza on facebook

Ayliza’s Etsy Store


One thought on “Terrible Puns, Artfully Knitted”

  1. Thank you very much for the honour of being featured here! This original was created as a one-off gift, but I am planning to offer them on Etsy as well, when I get around to sorting out the details ;) If you are interested in purchasing one, drop me a line, I’d be happy to create one as a custom order!

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