A Link to the Past Clock

Check it out!

The fact that Velvetrope cross stitched these sprites from The legend of Zelda: a link to the past is immense, the fact that they created a clock out of the finished project, nothing short of PURE GENIOUS. This was Velvetrope’s first project and first ever post on the sprite stitch boards, and I’ll certainly be keeping my eyes open for future creations.

NES Bedding

For a second, lets take a moment out of our busy lives to thank God for Instructables.

Yes, that is what you think it is, a queen sized bed with handmade NES themed bedding!

Imagine sleeping in this, dreaming about Duck Hunt, shooting your light gun… wow… I NEED IT!!.. you need it too?! you’re in luck!! (kinda) Looks like rpaxton might be looking to make another and sell it on E-bay since the one she sold in December 2010 made a whopping:


that’s £278

Wow… it kinda makes me hope that one day I might be able to make money out of this stuff too! HAH – NOW who’s dreaming!

Epic Mario Quilt!!

There is no other no other word for this mario quilt than EPIC!… and as someone who works with teenage children I use that word sparingly!

cheerupem0kidx0x started the Mario theme room thread on craftster back in July 2010! and since then has been keeping us updated, as she created the bob-omb lamp, pipe waste paper bin, NES cartridge clock, papier mache fire flower, papier mache boo… just seriously… there’s no way I can list everything this amazing geek crafter has made just go look at the thread.

Since there was lots of work in progress included on this thread, it’s a treasure trove of how-to’s, tutorials and fabulous crafting ideas (you will NOT BELIEVE how easy it is to make .a bob-omb lamp!)

I think we can all agree, her son is a very lucky guy!

The stuff she made is great, but the quilt is just AMAZING (and I’m not one for quilting…. at all… if I’m going to sit at a sewing machine for hours there’d better be a dress at the end of it!) It’s a result of 5 months work and it’s paid off big style!

Plushie Mega Drive Console

oh man! THAT is a geek craft right there!

Donna Evans shared this supremely geeky creation on the Sprite Stitch boards, a 100% plushie mega drive console (oh and a genesis controller for all you Americans out there!) with removable Sonic the Hedgehog 2 cartridge.

My favourite bits? the cord… the way it’s all cordy,  the ingenious use of velcro to secure the game cartridge, and strangely the use of iron on transfers… I don’t usually like iron on transfers, they feel like a cop out, but for this they completely work! they give a complete finished look to the piece.

I just want to squish it SO BAD!!

Also Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was my favourite game on the Mega Drive… because my older brother could play as Sonic on 1 player mode and I could just pick up the second controller and play as Tails, but in 1 player mode Tails couldn’t die. I loved this. And for a child with an urge to play computer games, but an intense fear of ‘dying’ in them it was the best of both worlds.

EDIT: this plushie console is for SALE! see Tavington’s DeviantArt for details

Girl Geek Craft Crush, Lanikins

If you’ve been on craftster, then you’ve probably seen Lani Spear around.

Her recent She-ra  poppet , which she designed for a private swap with Padfoot, is an excellent illustration of how she embodies the soul of Geek Craftiness.

A little search through her previous projects shows the extent of her geeky inspiration, she also created the uncanny Coraline, Coraline is so film-realistic she could be on a shelf in a store and wouldn’t look out of place.

I have my fingers and toes crossed that next time I’m in a crafster swap, I wind up with Lani as my partner, she’s an awesome geek crafter!

Check out her projects on Craftster for goodies like; her gorgeous son dressed as Shaun from Shaun of the Dead, Gir amigurumi (with tutorial), super cute Rocky Horror Eddie poppet, and an ADORABLE Sweeny Todd Poppet.

Go, look, enjoy, Kudos Lanikins.

HELLO from England!

my picture


So! I’m Samantha and I’m one of the newest additions here at geekcrafts, I’m ABSOLUTELY over the MOON to be here and I can’t wait to share my geek craftings and those if other fabuously interesting internetty people with you!

I think superfluous text at this point is irrelevant, you guys want to see my credentials, what do I do?


From left to right: (1)“Cate has the Power” He-man dress ucycled from duvet cover (2) geodude had embroidered jeans patch (3) Superman dress upcycled from duvet cover (4) Hole Tank top mod (5)  supergirl costume (made with no pattern from scratch) (6) 3 3/4 inch Star Wars figure cloak (for the man in my life) (7) reversible K-9 and TARDIS bag (8) slouchy dragonballZ tank mod (9) chubby bow bag upcycled from shrunken jumper.

Want to know anything else? let rip in the comments section here, I’ll be sure to answer! And you’re always welcome to pop by my ‘Home’ blog or my facebook page, I’ll have the kettle on waiting.

See you on Tuesday!

Samantha x