
Geeky soap is a great way to add some variety to everyday cleaning routines.  DeviantArt User fuzzykittn posted these glycerine soap pokeballs.  Just like starter pokemon, these soaps are available in three different types (scents, in this case).  I choose you, Coconut!  Check out Lime Tree Candles and Soaps for more selections, including Pacman soap!

Four Sided Cufflinks

Anyone can wear a quirky tie, but a real geek needs more.  These 4 sided dice cufflinks are just what’s needed!  Findstotreasure has a wide selection of geeky cufflinks, including dominoes and coins that are perfect for gifts or weddings.  For those that just aren’t satisfied with the d4 effects, there do have d20 cufflinks to help you confirm that you are the master geek in any swanky party.

Pixel Bead Aang

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to go back and fully watch some of my favourite TV series (instead of mindlessly watching whatever TiVo suggests).  This weekend Hubby and I started Avatar:  The Last Airbender (anyone else remember when you could say Avatar and people wouldn’t think you meant the James Cameron movie?).  This Aang pixel art by Geek Mythology was found on DeviantArt, and if you like this you should check out what else they have on DeviantArt and in their shops.  It makes me want to create a whole mural of game and anime characters in my house… if I had the time or bead supply for it.  Meanwhile, I’m going to go finish Book 1!

Motherboard Christmas Tree

This past weekend we had a get together with my geeky friends, where I saw the most adorable Christmas Tree made from a circuit board. The lights on it blinked in time to music in colors of red and green and white.  My geeky friend said he made it years ago, and despite my pleading he has no intentions of making more.  Lucky for me, there is the internet!  PurpleJacaranda has the cutest Christmas Tree circuit board crafts on their Etsy page.  I can’t decide if I like the pin more or the ornament, but either way they are awesome!

If blinking lights is what you are looking for though, check out Think Geek.  They not only have a Motherboard Christmas Tree, but also a Motherboard Menorah!  You may have to go this year without Motherboard holiday decor, but next year you will be ready!

Another Intro!

Hello everyone!  I’m Leitadala, one of your new geek craft writers.  I’ve finally finished making my Christmas crafts, and before the January ones come due I figured I’d introduce myself here.  I’m a varied crafter, but my strongest are fiber arts.  The crocheting comes by nature, the knitting by nurture.  What I mean by that is that my Step-Grandmothter taught me to knit when I was young, and when I was older I felt compelled to pick up the crochet hook.  I found I loved it, and then learned from my maternal Grandmother that her Grandmother used to crochet all the time!  I’ve since passed down both crafts to the next generation of girls in my family, hoping that they will keep this timeless tradition alive.

I come by the geek part honestly as well.  I love Star Wars, World of Warcraft (where I met my husband), Pokemon, Disney, Anime, Renissance Festivals, and (of course) Comic Cons.  I look forward to sharing with you lots of geek-crafty things in the future.

Until then, I better go wrap my Christmas African Flower dishcloths!