Doctor Who Blink Steampunk Necklace


JezebelCharms has an a amzing selection of the most beautiful sci fi inspired jewelry I have ever seen on display at her etsy shop! Just take a look at this Doctor Who Blink Steampunk Necklace, most Doctor Who charms are pretty obvious, but I don’t thinkI would blink (pardon the pun) if I saw this pretty piece on some one in office attire.

Torchwood Pendant


We just finished Torchwood: Children of Earth and I was completely astounded. I didn’t think it was possible for the writers to come up with anything more dramatic and heart wrenching than season two’s finale, but they did, and after I picked my jaw off the floor and successfully pretended like I wasn’t even close to tears, I decided to look for some cool Torchwood crafts. UrsulaandOlive have posted this great Torchwood Pendant on their etsy shop. If you’re a fan of the Doctor Who spinoff, then you are probably quite familiar with the phrase that was used to open seasons one and two, but was notably missing from Children Of Earth. And, of course, if you have somehow missed Torchwood: Children of Earth, it is available on DVD and I suggest you go out and get it.

Barbie Zombie


Braaaaaaaaaaaaaains…Who doesn’t remember Barbie? And who doesn’t love zombies? Well over at Geekologie, they have an answer for the nostalgic in you, and the part of you that really enjoyed ripping Barbie‘s head off. My husband and I were talking about zombies on and off all day, so when I saw this gem, I just had to share.

Also check out Zombie T-shirts



It is Shark Week on Discovery Channel and that can only mean one thing, people who normally aren’t even interested in marine biology are going to be glued to the Discovery Channel to watch the MythBusters attempt to blow up a Jaws style great white muppet, crazy people “testing” shark cages, and just about any other dramatic thing Discovery can come up with involving sharks. In honor of one of the most popular weeks in educational television, here is Sharkattoque by SmakJamCreations on etsy. Not only is this awesome knitted hat really cool to look at, but it’s creator acutually found an amusing way to use to antiquated term “toque” (it basically means beanie), and the word nerd in me is ecstatic about that.