Child’s Play Chucky Cake

Today has been a pretty horrifying day. To start, I had to be at work at four am (horrors and terrors you could only dream of), then, after work (and a nap) a friend and I went “urban exploring” in an incredibly creepy mostly abandoned ghost town very near to “Devil’s Crater”, so when this little gem showed up in my inbox this afternoon, I knew what I had to do.

R0ckwithme posted this delectable and terrifying Child’s Play Chucky Cake she made for her beau’s twelve year old son on craftster. Immediately, visions of slumber parties of yester-year, hiding under sleeping bags and convincing myself that every doll, teddy bear, or vaguely humanoid toy I owned was definitely Chucky, and was definitely going to kill me.

I can honestly say that until today, no cake so well-decorated has ever intimidated me, but this one…well…takes the cake.