Henchman 21 Flickr Thursday

We now have a new segment here on Geek Crafts. It’s called Flickr Thursday. It’s where I, your beloved Redd, go into the Geek Craft Flickr Pool and share some awesomeness with you. Be sure to join the group and add your geekery! I don’t want to have to go elsewhere on Flickr!


This week I found something fabulous. A Henchman 21 embroidery!

It was submitted by the talented astriusstar.

Who is Henchman 21 you may be asking? He’s from The Venture Brothers of course! Something that if you aren’t already, should definitely be watching.


Visit astrisstar’s Flickr

Visit Geek Crafts on Flickr

More Embroidery on Geek Crafts