Vespas As Works of Art


Verguy posted an album of photos over to Imgur recently, of Vespa scooters as swivel chairs.

They were created by Bel and Bel in Italy. Their scooter chair is made from original parts of the legendary Italian scooter from the 80s’s. They recline, have a reinforced internal structure and a base with hydraulic positions to regulate and adjust the height. Prices start at 1,470 Euros or $1,650 USD.


Next up, is a hand-crafted wooden Vespa, complete with an actual motor.

While some turn to new paint jobs or accessories, craftsman Carlos Alberto took a more labor intensive route when designing a Vespa for his daughter, resulting in a beautiful motor scooter named after her (Vespa Daniella) boasting a sleek, wooden finish. Every part of the fully functional, hardwood scooter was hand-crafted by Alberto from the frame and handles to the solid wood seat. Parts that couldn’t be constructed out of wood such as the engine and gas tank were still carefully tucked away behind eye-catching layers of the richly stained material.