Xena Princess Warrior Doll Hack

Suereal posted a doll modification she did on Craftster: Xena, Warrior Princess from an unknown thrift store doll.


Aside from making the entire costume and her accessories, all Suereal had to do was boil wash and cut her hair, and then repaint her eyes. The doll was completely flat chested, so Suereal made the breast armor out of two balls of brown FIMO with a coil added as detail to the armor. The squiggles that join the breast bits to the shoulder are wire painted gold. The rest of the metal details are gold Martha’s paint. All the armor is sewn and glued on. The details were painted while the armor was flat. The armor pieces are all cut from a vinyl sample book from a decorating store. Her chakram is made of two parts: the inner gold part is a metal part painted gold, the blade part is silver FIMO. The holder is just a bit of wire bent to serve it’s purpose. The sword is a tongue depressor with FIMO accents.

After the base was made, Xena was sent off her to her home in a swap.