I Know Nothing About Star Trek

Star Trek comm badge needle holderHaving never seen so much as a single episode, I know nothing about Star Trek, so I cannot come up with a cute slash amusing pun to title this post with.

Before you revoke my geek badge, let me explain; I cannot watch tv series, or films, out of order. I have to start right at the beginning and do them all, in order of creation. With Star Trek (and, while I’m confessing, the same goes for Dr Who; I’ve never seen an episode of that either) I just never had the heart to sit down at the start of 6 series and 12 (12!!) films. Maybe when I’m retired, then I’ll have time.

But never mind all that, one thing I do know; this Star Trek Comm Badge Needle Holder is cute.  It’s by Jenn, who is one of those quilters / generally amazing at everything she tries crafters who’s blog simultaneously inspires me and makes me despair at my lack of skill.

4 thoughts on “I Know Nothing About Star Trek”

  1. With Doctor Who, you can give up on the notion of starting at the beginning, as much of the first several years no longer exists.

    For most Who newbies, I recommend starting with the 2005 Series staring Christopher Eccleston. This was an almost not quite reboot of the series. The stuff before this happened, they just don’t mention it much. This is also a much more modern take on the series. If you start with the REALLY old stuff but aren’t used to older sci-fi, you will find it different than what you are used to. Good. Different.

  2. as the founder of my middle school’s Star Trek club, I do consider myself a bit of a Trekkie.
    When you do get around to it: only the even numbered films are any good, and really you can skip Enterprise (it has a Vulcan who dresses all slutty, how is slutty logical when you are only gonna do it once every seven years?)

  3. Waiting when you’re retired? I finished Star Trek TOS in one month. I mean each episode is 50 minutes and there’s only 79 episodes.

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