Doctor Who Plushie


Angelcallie has redefined fandom with this amazing Doctor Who Plushie that she posted on her livejournal page. This Time Lord is complete with his ever-important stop watch, and when his shirt is removed, you see The Doctor’s all important two hearts!

I loved this plushie from the moment I saw it, and fell even deeper in love when I read her reasoning for doing Doctor number ten first.

I hope to make all the doctors eventually, but I started with Ten because he’s my doctor.

Any real fan of The Doctor knows the importance of “your” Doctor. Your first, your favorite.

4 thoughts on “Doctor Who Plushie”

  1. Very cool! My favorite doctor is the newest one, but by these rules, he would not be my doctor :( Oh well! I still can’t get enough of the new shows. They are the best!

  2. He’s just fantastic! There’s something about the way the 10th Doctor runs with the jacket sort of flowing behind him that always gave off this tremendous energy. I can absolutely understand why this guy is a favorite.

  3. This is absolutely brilliant! Ten is my doctor as well, and no one will ever manage to replace him. Do you have a list of the materials you used and instruction so that he could be duplicated?

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