Warm and fuzzy guts

Do you remember high school biology? Your lab partner was a little shy… and a lot adorable? The two of you acted bravely as you stole glances and awkwardly prodded at some poor little critter splayed out on the dissecting pan ?

Yeah, I don’t remember that either.  My lab partner was a creepy spaz (yes, you–Brian), and I still have the suspicion that more than one starfish stomach ended up inside of  his nose. >>shudder<<

Fortunately, Emily Stoneking can takes those macabre memories and make them warm and fuzzy with her AKnitomy knitted dissections.

Let’s forget, for a moment, how faithfully the organs are placed inside of the rat and freak out about Stoneking’s use of varying fibers and gauges to bring to life (or, uh, death) the different organs and tissues:  from the diaphanous, pinned-back skin to the ropey little tail.
Be sure to check out her other critters. Frogs, fetal pigs, earthworms, human brains, and an (oh my) Easter Bunny await. A lovely, caring homage to all the poor little critters who gave their lives for our awkward, adolescent memories.