Tutorial Tuesday: Hollow Book Giftbox!

I just love the secret agent element to Franki’s hollowed out book tutorial.

If you’re giving a friend a gift in one of these home-made giftboxes, I wholeheartedly suggest you wear a mac and dark glasses meet aforementioned friend in a park at dusk. “You’ve never seen me, right!?” haha.

But seriously I’d love to make something like this as jewelery box…. excellent idea!

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Samantha was born and raised in the North East of England, now “on tour” in Buckinghamshire. By day “Geeky Sweety” teaches Philosophy and Religious Studies to children between the ages of 11-18. By night she sews, embroiders, and upcycles. Her favourite things are 80s girl cartoons, anything Tim Burton touches, Doctor Who, Star Trek/Wars/Gate, Disney films (but only the ones based on fairy tales),cheesy Japanese kawaii culture and horrifically scary Japanese horror films. She also has a passion for Karaoke and occasionally sings in a rock covers band. Her husband custom builds star wars action figures, they havn’t counted them because they don’t want to get depressed, but good estimates place the total number at around 400. She believes only boring people get bored.

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