A Clockwork Earring

I have a confession: I really don’t do steampunk. I don’t know why—I think it’s visually appealing, reminds me of Jules Verne and Firefly (both good things), and I get the rationale…I guess it’s just not for me. Maybe it doesn’t quite fit in with my overall personal style, which otherwise seems to encompass a helluva lot. Even with that disclaimer, I wouldn’t mind adding one of these babies to my jewelry collection. In fact, I like quite a few of the wearable geegaws and doodads in Jynx’s Box—they clearly convey the steampunk aesthetic (steampunkery? steampunkness?) without being so over-the-top that you couldn’t wear them without looking costumey.

3 thoughts on “A Clockwork Earring”

  1. I know! They’re not normally my style, but I’d totally buy them if only my piercings weren’t smack in the midst of my earlobes and not halfway up my ears. Oh well.

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