A Surprisingly Roomy Refrigerator

Well, everyone knows a TARDIS is bigger on the inside!

Until I saw this tweet yesterday, I did not realize that TARDIS fridges were a thing. Apparently they are. The internet is full of them. Or full of a few, at least. ThinkGeek makes a TARDIS minifridge, but I’m frankly far less impressed by this professionally-made product than the homebrew options. Some of them are just so cool!

So now you know: In addition to the many other things out there masquerading as TARDISes (and there are many), your fridge can join the action, too.

Please Don’t Launch Birds at This Pig

Because, as you can see, it’s an Angry Birds helmet, not actually one of those treacherous green piggies who keep stealing all your precious eggs. And you don’t want to hurt its lovely creator, Jenn Hall. Yes, I realize I seem to be running with a helmet theme (I previously posted Jenn’s awesome R2-D2 helmet), but can I help it when they’re this snazzy? Apparently not. And, you know, safety. It’s important. Why not be safe and geekishly chic at the same time?

Horseshoes (Not That Kind)

Despite not being a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (my three-word review: stylish but banal), I absolutely see the appeal of these shoes. They’re nicely done and hilarious. You can buy practically any MLP design, but why would you? It’s Derpy Hooves or nothing, dude. Oh, right—in a nod to the bronies out there, artist Rhonda Savage makes the shoes in any size and in an assortment of styles. Perfect for MLP fans of any age, foot size, or gender.

R2-D2: Safety Droid

I know, I know, I keep posting about R2-D2, but I can’t help it. Artoo is so endearing and apparently lends himself to craft projects. Anyway, this time I stumbled across this awesome R2-D2 bike helmet, made by pastry artist, illustrator, and all-around crafty gal Jenn Hall. There is some controversy about the safety of the dimensional restraining bolt, should Jenn actually fall, but it looks amazing. And, since she made the helmet last year, hopefully she’s had time to sort out the safety issues. It is pretty phenomenal, though.

Bitty Brain Slug Barrettes

I know we’ve seen crocheted brain slugs on Geek Crafts before, but this one from Knitnut by JL is the cutest yet! Not only is it itty-bitty (and therefore adorable), it’s a hair clip, so you never have to worry about you losing your parasitic accessory.