A Star Purse for Every Occasion

If only I had my sewing machine in my possession (I lent it to a friend) and a place to set it up, I might have given this a shot! See, deciding to work with my hair (it’s pink), I opted for a pink-hair-friendly Halloween costume and am currently sitting in my office dressed as Ramona Flowers. I went the easy route and bought a pre-made star purse, but how awesome would it have been if I’d bought this pattern and made my own bag with a star I could swap out in any color? That woulda been pretty sweet….

If I’m up to it in the future (or you want to give it a shot prior to next Halloween or any impending cons or costume parties), you can pick up the pattern from Haley’s Wonderful Distractions.

Oh, and happy Halloween!

Death Star Doggie

Welp, this is something you don’t see every day. I can’t imagine there’s really a genre of crafts dedicated to the prettification of apparati for injured pets, but blogger HoboHiatus got creative with his dog Musha’s cone. Et voilà—a cone fit for an evil emperor. Of course, I’m not sure this made the recuperation experience any more pleasant for the dog, but hey, it surely kept the owners entertained.

Crafty Copper Cane

If you’ve watched the creation of the Lady Vadore costume with as much fascination as I have, you might be interested to know that Jen has posted a tutorial on how to make an illuminated copper cane like the one she carried. It’s pretty sweet, and it could totally work with any number of costumes. Apparently you do need a Dremel drill press, but if you’re gonna do lots of crafts, that might just be a worthwhile investment.

Cinderella’s Steampumpkin Coach


In theory, the appeal of this pumpkin is that it’s a cool, no-carve idea for Halloween. But the real appeal is that it’s freaking rad! There are no specific instructions (beyond “use these bits of junk”), but you could take it in so many different directions…. You could go more steampunk or more traditionally fairytale elegant. You could add LEDs! (I’m always a fan of adding LEDs.) You could glitter that bad boy, or add rhinestones, or attach reins and horses. So many possibilities. Since I moved earlier this year, I don’t think I have the necessary bits and bobs to create such a fabulous pumpkin coach, but it would otherwise totally be my pumpkin of choice for this Halloween.

The Cutest Little Slayer Ever

Look, I’ll be honest with you. I’m not at all into amigurumi. More power to you if you are, but they are not my thing. But I stumbled across this little Amigurumi Buffy and was enchanted. I mean, seriously, look at how cute she is! I just love the little smirk and the little crocheted stake. Such an adorable little slayer.