Creepily Accurate Bioshock ADAM Syringe

bioshock adam syringe

To tell the truth, I’ve never actually played BioShock. But I’ve seen screenshots and a bit of the game in action, and—even though I know I’m absurdly late to the party—I would still like to play it one of these days. I’ve also seen a helluva lot of cool BioShock costumes over the years, which only increases my interest. Any excuse to dress up! Especially if the accessories—like this homemade ADAM syringe—are this cool. Of course, I’d be a total poseur if I whipped out one of these any time soon—it’s obligatory that I play the game first! But I encourage any and all BioShiock fans to get crafty pronto.

Voom, Voom, Boing!

So say you have kids who love playing Star Wars, but you don’t want them to hurt themselves with whatever approximation of lightsabers they’ll create. Alternately, you might have fully grown friends or relatives who still like playing Star Wars, but, again, you still don’t want them to hurt themselves. Enter the pool noodle lightsaber. With nothing but pool noodles, a serrated knife, and three kinds of electrical/duct tape, Muddy Boots blogger Amy created safe-but-cool-as-hell lightsabers for her son and his birthday guests, then posted the handy-dandy tutorial so we can do the same. Additional photos and tutorials can be found around the interwebs, if Amy’s post isn’t enough for you.

Lady Vadore in All Her Glory

Well, it was worth the wait. Epbot‘s Jen Yates has posted pics of her finished Lady Vadore costume, followed by shots of her in action at Star Wars Celebration. Love the creativity and the attention to detail. And it lights up—how much more do you want? It lights up! So cool.

Mini Papercraft, Maxi Cool

Have you ever wanted to make an adorable mini papercraft version of…anything cool? Ever? Well, Gus Santome probably has you covered. She-Ra? Check! Batman? Yep! R2-D2? Indubitably!

Seriously, these are crazy cute. I haven’t tried to make any yet (partially because I already have too many knickknacks and gewgaws), but I could use a bit more flair on my desk at work…. Project!

Steampunk Lightsaber Awesomeness

Eventually I will stop posting about Jen Yates and her Lady Vadore costume, but I’m so intrigued! The pieces all look so cool—I can’t wait to see the final result. Anyway, in addition to the steampunk Darth Vader mask/helmet tutorial, she’s now posted a tutorial for a similarly steampunk lightsaber. Which, incidentally, doubles as a nifty nightlight. And, really, who doesn’t want a steampunk lightsaber nightlight?

A Preview of Lady Vadore

Once again, Epbot‘s Jen Yates is up to her customary crafty tricks. In anticipation of Star Wars Celebration, Jen (with an assist from husband John, as usual) has been steadily laboring on a steampunk female Darth Vader costume christened Lady Vadore. The first step involved hacking a Vader mask in spectacular ways. Note I didn’t post a pic of the final step—you’ll just have to read the tutorial and scroll down for the stunning reveal. Jen has since posted another sneak peek of the costume, which I can’t wait to see in its entirety. So thorough! Such attention to detail! Such crafty steampunk Star Wars goodness! Such excitement!