Woodland Rabbit Hoop


Roler posted this cute hoop to Craftster recently. She made it for her partner in the Woodland Creature & Enchanted Forest Swap. Her partner wanted an original creature that took on parts of its surroundings as part of its body.

A maple seed was created in the bunny’s ear, a leaf went onto it’s chest and a lotus flower became it’s tail.

Girl Creates Freakishly Realistic Mermaid Scales With Makeup…


just because she was bored. :)

Makeup artist Channing Carlisle proved she was more than up to the challenge of literally turning herself into a mermaid with the help of special effects products and some makeup brands you likely have in your own arsenal right now. She explained that she was inspired by fellow makeup artist Arianna Blean, who had posted a video where she painted fish scales onto a client’s leg. (What’s a leg except for a skin-covered fish tail that’s been split in two, right?)

But Channing didn’t stop at painting scales onto her leg, as she used SFX techniques to make it seem like her skin was being ripped open to reveal a glistening tail. To achieve the look, she used Inglot Cosmetics, Mehron Makeup, and Anastasia Beverly Hills products, among other brands. The result was a look so realistic, it went viral on Twitter and left some commenters confused as to what, exactly, happened to her leg.

But if you think this is Channing’s “grossest” work, you’d be far from correct. She pointed out that last October, she’d created a “maggot-infested wound” on her own hand. Yep, definitely the grossest. Mermaids have nothing on maggots.

Where is Snoopy When You Need Him?


In January, Rapola posted about the Radio Flyer scooter he turned into the Red Baron’s plane.

He took a new Radio Flyer scooter (from the 2000’s), got rid of the plastic parts and gave it a red baron inspired make-over. While it looks like a relic from the 1950’s, that is due to Radio Flyer making toys in China, to lower specifications than we have in the States. Rapola got this for $28 at a local auction.

Steel wool and stripper took care of the old paint. A couple things they were trying to accomplish with the fiberglass:
1. Patch all of the holes from the cheap plastic grill/steering column
2. Cover the ugly factory seam where the the two halves of the body meet
3. Lay foundation to better profile the scooter

This was actually the third scooter he’s done, last one was a P-40 Warhawk themed scooter. No word on if he sells them once completed, or if he keeps them for his own collection.

“Ahsoka Quinn” as a Star Wars/Batman Cosplay Mashup


Knightsgarrison recently posted her Ahsoka Tano/Harley Quinn mashup on Imgur, because a friend (pictured above) wanted to cosplay as Ahsoka at Star Wars Celebration, but knowing that Ahsoka is to Star Wars as Harley Quinn is to literally every other con in the world, we figured…they’d just do both. It was her first time building something so involved and she learned (and screwed up) a lot along the way. She’s pretty proud of the results.

The seams drove her crazy. Luckily, it’s canon that Ahsoka sometimes wears head/lekku jewelry, so she bought some studded ribbon and glued it on. It doesn’t hide everything, but it helps a lot.

Total build time was 24 hours, spread it out over a month, and the total cost was about $100.


And as a total score, Knightsgarrison’s friend got a picture with the voice of Ahsoka herself: Ashley liked it so much she asked her assistant to take a picture with her own phone.

Beauty and the Beast Cabinet


Three3oh just posted this handmade cabinet over on Imgur, made for his niece, because of her favorite movie, Beauty And The Beast. Unfortunately, there’s only a series of pictures, as he was building the cabinet.

However, if you’re looking for some fun and funky furniture, inspired by Disney movies, check out Raxfox on Deviant Art. Raxfox Design is from Leipzig, Germany, a professionel design studio who specializes in twisted wood stuff. Their major products are the dancing cabinets called “Tanzschrank” (in German), but they also make other average and small pieces, like birdhouses, mailboxes, chests, and lanterns.