Ami Sheldon Cooper Doll Giveaway

IMG_9305A(mi)dorable Crochet is having a Sheldon Cooper (from the series, The Big Bang Theory) doll giveaway.

‘This contest is open to everyone worldwide! To enter the draw all you have to do is comment on this post and tell me your favorite Sheldon Cooper moment from the show! Only one comment per person….duplicate entries and spam will be deleted. You can enter until April 7th, 2013 at 7pm. I will use and provide a screen shot of the winning number.  The winner will then have 24 hours to contact me to provide their shipping address or a new winner will be chosen.” Please note, you have to comment on A(mi)dorable Crochet’s site in order to enter her contest. We’d love to have your comments here as well, but you must use the link above for your comment to be valid.

A(mi)dorable Crochet, who is a regular poster at Craftster, said she’s holding this contest because of how many requests she’s gotten for her ami Sheldon doll. And yes, Jim Parsons has seen his own ami double.

So start thinking about your favorite Sheldon moment and enter soon! You’ve only get a week left! Good luck, everyone!

DIY Star Wars R2-D2 Bra With Lights And Sounds

How many times have you ever said to yourself, “I need an R2-D2 bra, but where would I find one?”

ra1Look no further! Seamster over at Instructables has provided the pictures and a video on how to make one! And because Seamster is a guy, he calls this creation his “R2-Double-D2s.”

Continue reading DIY Star Wars R2-D2 Bra With Lights And Sounds

Fun And Flirty Femme Joker

joker1I haven’t seem too much for cosplay here, but when I saw Callesto Fox’s femme fatale Joker, I thought she deserved a place among the geeks.

“This Femme Joker cosplay isn’t serious at all. It features cosplayer Callesto all dolled up in a mini-skirted version of Joker’s outfit based on his look in Arkham Asylum. The spats are a nod to one of Callesto’s other favorite Batman villains, Max Shreck.”

I mean, come on…look how pretty and flirty she is as The Joker! She might as well be an Easter egg, for as springy as she looks. Personally, I’d like to see a male version of Harley Quinn with her.

Callesto has a mostly private Facebook page, but you can check her out on Deviant Art. She’s also an awesome  Merida from “Brave.”

Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead Plush

cdaryl1If you’re a fan of “The Walking Dead,” you can have your favorite character but you can’t deny the popularity of Daryl Dixon, as portrayed by Norman Reedus. And that popularity just continues to grow, especially with SpeakGeekandEnter from Craftster making a plushie of our favorite little archer.

And that poncho is even custom made, “The poncho was made by recreating the poncho pattern in photoshop and then printing it on inkjet printable cotton. It closes with snaps on the back…” He’s got a tiny little black leather vest underneath.”…this time in his poncho, red button up shirt, leather vest (of course Wink) and brown pants! I make all my standing


plushies one of a kind in terms of costumes, so I think this is going to be the last one until they give him something different to wear next season.  Cheesy ….Y’know, if he makes it to next season. *fingers crossed*”

As far as other Craftster projects go, SpeakGeekandEnter has used a similar plushie pattern to make a doll of David Tennant as the Doctor. SGAE also runs the Etsy shop of the same name.




My Little Pony: Dr. Whooves


Craftster user dfabbric made a cute MLP as the pony-fication (is that even a word?) of Tom Baker, the fourth actor to portray the Doctor.

“I’m really happy with how he turned out, though he looks a little angry. The pattern is by Valleyviolet. I hand knit his scarf and it’s removable.” dfabbric also has a blog, where she’s known as Diane, out of Alberta, Calgary.

Valleyviolet owns Violet’s Curious Miscellany over at Etsy, where the pony patterns range anywhere from $15-$45. And just in case a plush pony isn’t enough for you, check out the “Pony Creator” by General Zoi at Deviant Art.

Life-Sized Papercraft Zelda

zelda_life_size_papercraft_2_by_minidelirium-d5x1ptd-e1362692038410Zelda’s come along just in time to make sure your life size cardboard Iron Man doesn’t get lonely!

“Minidelerium, a Swedish papercraft hobbyist, made this kickass Zelda figure in 126 hours, which is three weeks of working 8-5, Monday through Friday. (She then gave Zelda away, which seems so sad.).” But never fear…if you need your own life size Zelda and want to take a crack at it, it looks like you can get Minidelerium’s template from Paper’s Juke.

You can see more of Minidelerium’s work over at Deviant Art. “I build papercrafts to keep myself occupied, relax and keep my fingers nimble. all my papercrafts up until Midna has been with 80g/m paper, so I’d say I’m pretty good at this by now. ^_^ however, I’ve now started to work with thicker paper and I’m loving it! it’s so sturdy and easy with the thicker paper. I wouldn’t recommend thin paper if you want good and durable results. it buckles too easy.”