Arcade Light Switch

So sometimes I like to fantasize about the things that I would put in my house if I actually owned one,  and this might be on the top of the list for my son’s room if not the whole house because they are just soooo cool.  I mean who doesn’t love arcade buttons?  They’re handmade, and I just think you couldn’t get a kick out of these every time you turned your lights on or off.  You can find them at Leet Dreams Etsy shop… here.


Hunger Games Afghans

Are you as excited about the first installment of the Hunger Games movies coming out in just under 3 months?  My geeky love for literature about dystopian worlds had me eating up the Hunger Games.  I stumbled upon this great pattern for afghans based on each of the books on the Hunger Games Down With the Capitol site (They also have a slew of other craft patterns pertaining to Hunger Games too!). Perhaps something to keep you cozy in the theater?






Futurama Crochet Doll Patterns!

Okay, okay.  As 2012 breathes down our neck and we think about the future, what better to get you feeling cozy about it then some Futurama dolls?

Admittedly, I’m not linking to anyone but myself  (Hooked Hands) today, but I used to sell these Nibbler and Leela dolls on Etsy, and the powers that be (the lawyers representing Futurama) told me and everyone else on Etsy to stop selling Futurama inspired crafts.  They cannot however keep me from giving away those patterns to you!  I wrote them up and put them on my blog, so I decided to share them here. Happy New Year everyone!

My favorite Christmas Cards

Is it some kind of Star Wars blasphemy to depict Darth Vader as Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer or the Star Trek emblem as a Santa hat, well then these 2 Etsy card makers know no boundaries.

Maybe it’s too late to get these cards this year, but there’s always next.  Merry Christmas!

Darth Vader Reindeer by Etsy shop crabappledesign

and Star Trek Santa by Etsy shop Darkstars Creation



Geeky Fan Art

I know we don’t post a lot of fan art because it’s not technically a “craft”, but I appreciate all geeky creative endeavors. There’s this under-the-radar artist, Tony d’ Amato who is consistently cranking out awesome fan art on his Tumblr page of some of the best geekiest shows/movies out there.   Everything from Community to The Walking Dead.   For the last season of Lost, he painted a watercolor of a scene from each of the episodes.   Maybe if we all rally around him, he might get a clue and start selling his prints, because I don’t know about you, but a zombie watercolor would go nicely over my mantle (if I had one).


Links of Interest:



Hogwart’s Textbooks

How often, while reading a Harry Potter novel, did you envision yourself, wand in hand, saying wingardium leviosa to a feather, making it float above everyone’s head,and thus becoming Professor Flitwick’s star pupil? Loads? Well, you can come one step closer to feeling like a student of Hogwarts with these awesome handbound journals/notebooks made by CelesteFrittata.  The titles cover the whole gamut of Hogwart’s classes like Care of Magical Creatures to Advanced Potions.  You can also pick up Owl Post stationery and your very own Quibbler notebook.

I have a couple of Harry Potter fans in my life that might like to find one of these under the tree this Christmas.

Check out their full line of awesomeness here.