Free Zero Punctuation pot holder pattern

Zero Punctuation Potholder

Zero Punctuation is one of my absolute favorite web video series. I love hearing Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw’s hilariously scathing video game reviews just as much as I enjoy watching the cheerfully warped animations that illustrate them.

So, I was over the moon when I came across Ilana‘s  free pattern for Zero Punctuation Imp pot holders. These little scamps translate really well into knitted form, and would bring a touch of fun into any geeky kitchen.  

You may recognize Ilana’s work from the  Star Trek pot holders that were featured here on Geek Crafts last month. I’m looking forward to seeing what other awesome patterns she comes up with!

Poison Ivy plush is sweet venom

poisonivyplushBatman villain Poison Ivy is best known for her ability to control plant life, using it to wreak havoc on Gotham City. Now, Michele Legendre adds “criminally cute” to the super-villain’s list of powers, and not even the Dark Knight will be able to resist Ivy’s sheer adorableness.

Spotted on DeviantART, this plush Poison Ivy is handmade out of eco-friendly felt made from recycled bottles (which is quite appropriate for this “green” crusader), safety eyes, and airbrush paint.

Michele has worked her stitching magic to make sweet, softie versions of other comic book and video game icons, such as Hellboy and Scott Pilgrim‘s Kim Pine

EDIT: Her Etsy store, Deadly Sweet Plushes, is open for business again, and she’ll begin accepting custom orders mid-January 2011.

New to the Crew

Hello out there! Now that the frenzy of the holidays has wound down, I can take a breath, break out my crafts, and properly introduce myself as one of the new members of the Geek Crafts crew.

I’m Sherezada, an indie filmmaker and writer. I’ve been a card-carrying geek since I was a kid. Some of my favorites include the original Star Wars trilogy, J.R.R. Tolkien, video games (especially BioWare-made games), horror-comedy films, and comic books.  

I love showing my geek pride through my needlework, like this piece I stitched up of Nibbler from Futurama, and my Han Solo cross stich sampler. I also dabble in knitting and sewing, though I’m still getting the hang of both.

You can see my crafty and culinary adventures on my blog, Hand/Eye/Mind/Mouth, or follow my video game related rantings at Electronic Wasteland.

Here’s to a new year filled with Geek Crafts goodness!