Tron Inspired Cross Stitch Pattern

Tron Inspired Cross Stitch Pattern

It’s a big weekend for nerds with the movie Tron: Legacy opening in many countries around the world. Bombastitch sells lots of geeky cross stitch pieces and patterns in her Etsy shop including this most excellent Tron inspired pattern. The quote from the Master Control Program to Dillinger is sold as a PDF pattern and looks pretty easy to complete. Well, there’s a 68.71 percent chance that I’m right about that.

Accio Brain Coffee Mug Cozy

Any hardcore Harry Potter fan is familiar with the summoning charm “accio.” I spotted this adorable handmade crocheted and embroidered coffee mug cozy, in Gryffindor scarlet and gold, on Etsy in Knotworkshop’s shop. There’s no guarantee that the cozy will help your morning caffeine jump start your brain, but it will certainly add to your geek cred.

Castiel Poppet

Castiel PoppetI just recently started watching Supernatural, even though it has been recommended to me for years. I’m just about through Season 4 (Season 6 is currently airing) and have become a bit OBSESSED with the demon hunting Winchester brothers. Castiel, an angel, was introduced in the fourth season and quickly became a fan favorite.

FibreArtist4Life created this adorable Castiel poppet for Pioneer9 in Craftster‘s  TV Addict Summer Hiatus Swap. The costume detail is beyond impeccable. It’s so well done and I want to hug it!

New Kid on the Block

Hi! I’m very excited to be joining the Geek Crafts crew! I spend my time in mostly sunny Southern California working as a health care professional, occasionally crafting and quite frequently geeking out over tv shows, movies, science, Harry Potter, zombies and more.

As for crafting, I enjoy sewing tote bags, especially with kawaii Japanese fabrics, crocheting amigurumi hamsters and making pom-pom hamsters with a variety of personalities (See “Super Hamster” to the left). I’ve self published three books of poetry and photos inspired by my love of various rodents. Also, I’ve been a vendor at local craft fairs and San Diego Comic-Con with the Tired Girl Collective.

I’m looking forward to finding lots of awesome geek crafts to share with you.