Angry Birds Plushie

Hello, I am Renee, and I am an Angry Birds addict. Whew, feels good to get that off of my chest! When Caroline sent this adorable, angry little guy to me, I knew I had to share this Angry Birds Plushie and point you to her blog for a tutorial on how to make one yourself (and she just put up a tutorial for Angry Birds (and Pigs!) Christmas Ornaments made from Dollar Store supplies).

Kirby Plush Tutorial

If there is one thing we love more than awesome geeky crafts, it is tutorials for awesome geeky crafts! Serena submitted her adorable Kirby Plush Tutorial that was posted on her blog. A little felt, a little batting and a lot of cute, Serena makes it simple, easy to follow, and, most importantly, painfully cute.

Kirby Plush

Geeky Pumpkins

I’m sure I’ll be posting a lot more geeky pumpkins in the next week, but here’s four I found today on Craftster:

Mario and Luigi Pumpkin

Mario and Luigi from Super Mario Brothers by Balatong

Ralph Wiggum Pumpkin

Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons by craftADDchick

Sailor Moon Pumpkin

Sailor Moon by llia

Zombie Kids Pumpkin

Zombie Kids by Germanica’s husband

Pac-Man Necklace

Pac-Man NecklaceYou know, this blog was originally going to be about video game crafts, but we quickly realized that there were crafts to be shared on a wealth of geeky topics. It’s been awhile since we’ve had an old-school video game craft though, so here’s a good one from our Etsy friend casstasstrophe: an acrylic Pac-Man necklace. You can buy one now :)