Crocheted Sheldon

The Big Bang Theory is one of my absolute favorite shows, so I was incredibly excited to see this Crocheted Sheldon Cooper on the Craftster frontpage yesterday. Anne11 made him as a Christmas gift for a friend. He now hangs out at her friend’s office (I wonder if he plays computer games when people aren’t … Continue reading Crocheted Sheldon

Star Wars Wolowitz Belt

I love Big Bang Theory. Anything that brings uber-geekiness into living rooms across America is good in my book, and the characters are awesome. If you’re like me, your eyes always catch Wolowitz’s crazy belt buckles, Rachel at In The Happily Ever After was so inspired by Wolowitz’s wardrobe that she made this Star Wars … Continue reading Star Wars Wolowitz Belt

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch

If you’re like me, anything that glorifies geekdom is awesome, and if it glorifies geekdom in a hilarious way that may or may not feature a Battlestar Galactica toaster, then…it’s even more awesome! DoAFlip posted this great Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch featuring the game of internet fame and a quote from the Big … Continue reading Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch

Sci-Fine Art, Humor and Time Machines with Rik Livingston

There aren’t a lot of nice things about living in the desert, at least not until Fall/Winter time, but one nice thing about living here is the amazing Crossroads Cafe and Tavern, where I was having breakfast when the painting to the left caught my eye. I took in the various pieces by the artist … Continue reading Sci-Fine Art, Humor and Time Machines with Rik Livingston