Monty Python Bracelet

Monty Python Bracelet class=

You must bring us….a shrubbery!!! Flickr user tattooed_geek made this absolutely perfect charm bracelet based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail. She made a vicious bunny rabbit (with “nasty, big, pointy teeth”), a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, a shrubbery!, galloping coconut, and an actual Holy Grail, all made from shrink plastic (remember Shrink Dinks?).

Pac-Man Week: Ms. Pac-Man Cuff

Ms. Pac-Man CuffEtsy seller inhope made this super cute Ms. Pac-Man cuff bracelet out of marine vinyl. It’s available in her Etsy shop for only $11 plus shipping. Be sure to check out her other geeky crafts, including a Nintendo Controller pillow.