Dark Phoenix-Inspired Ballgown


Wavecrestian recently showed off her Dark Phoenix inspired ballgown. She spent the last two or so months working on it. The dress was modified from a commercial pattern but the design is all her own. She had to create a petticoat design to support the skirt since the actual petticoat pattern didn’t have enough floof!

Wig and crown and gloves to come! Unfortunately, I can’t find her anywhere else online, so I don’t have any more info available about the dress. Basing a previous Imgur post from her, I’m assuming this is going to be for cosplay somewhere.

Steampunk Dark Phoenix


Tholins posted a gallery of her Steampunk Dark Phoenix costume over on Imgur recently. She got this costume done just in time for Balticon 2015, and her boyfriend talked her into doing the masquerade.

There is a staggering amount of information that goes along with her gallery. It’s almost along the lines of a good tutorial (too much info to include here in this post), because she talks about the types of material she used for each piece.