Flickr Thursday: Doctor Who Scarf

Today on the Geek Crafts Flickr pool, I pulled out this awesome picture.

It’s a recreation of the season 12 legendary Doctor Who scarf by Face Ache.

I’m also making one of these so I know just how long and tedious they are. Fabulous!


Dr. River SongI love Doctor Who, I love classic Who, new Who, I love Number Ten, and I LOVE Eleven. But the character that has been making the last few seasons spectacular, in my humblest of opinions, is Dr. River Song. She is just hot in all the right ways and cool in all the right ways–and now that we know who she is, I can’t wait to see how things play out.

Rain submitted this awesome River Song Plushie from her MoonyCouture Etsy Shop. They can make you a plushie of ANY human character on the show (and I even spotted a Weeping Angel in there)! They are really cool, and I don’t know how anyone could stand to pick just one!

An Evening with Neil Gaiman

Sketch of Neil Gaiman and Adam SavageLast night, I had the extraordinary pleasure of attending “An Evening with Neil Gaiman,” in Berkeley, CA.

Not only was the audience graced with the company of the author himself, but the surprise addition of Mythbusters host Adam Savage as moderator made the night even more extraordinary.

Though the initial focus of the program was the 10th anniversary of American Gods, the conversation meandered through topics ranging from the pitfalls of publishing to Neil’s unabashed fanboy love for Dr. Who.

The night held a beautiful congruence of numerous energies, from the deliciously geeky to the downright mystical (hearing Neil read a passage from American Gods in a historic church made my scalp tingle).

If you ever have the chance to hear Mr. Gaiman speak, do yourself a favor and go. Between his dry sense of humor, his amazing storytelling abilities, and his easygoing manner, he’s remarkably fun to listen to.

Neil Gaiman quote letterpressIn honor this wonderful night, I found this simple, yet lovely letterpress print of a Neil Gaiman quote. It’s available from Fate Hope Destiny Luck Machine, an Etsy shop “operated by a circus artist and printmaker out of Portland, OR.” How friggin’ cool is that?

These may not be Neil’s exact words from last night, but the quote definitely captures the spirit.

[Sketch via Neil Gaiman’s WhoSay.]


4th Doctor Minimalist Painting

4th Doctor Minimilist PaintingDoctor Who has been a favorite of mine since I was just a wee little geek.  Tom Baker was the 4th Doctor in the series, but he was my first and has continued to be my favorite as the series has progressed.  His iconic scarf and hat have always defined for me the way that the Doctor should look.

This Minimalist painting by Etsian geekasms perfectly captures the 4th doctor in all his splendor.  Minimalist paintings are something I am finding very interesting right now, and have been spreading around the interwebs like wild fire.  Since I am spending a week in Jolly ol’ London, England, I thought I would share my love of Doctor Who with all of you.

Michael Parsons, who runs geekasms on Etsy, has done a whole slew of Minimalist Paintings and is selling prints on Etsy.  Some of my favorites include his Tardis and Weeping Angel prints.  Each print is signed and limited to 25 copies, so you better get them while you can.

Go get the Print!

Visit geekasms on Etsy

Need More Dr. Who?  Geekcrafts has you covered!