Han Solo Cross Stitch Pattern

Han Solo Cross Stitch Pattern

A little over two years ago, I created my first cross stitch pattern for a Craftster challenge. Naturally, it was a geeky cross stitch, immortalizing one of my favorite Star Wars quotes in floss and Aida cloth. I designed it by hand using pencil and graph paper, which took foreeeever.

Now, thanks to a free pattern-making program a fellow Craftster pointed me towards, I was able to chart my Han Solo sampler! It’s available both as a simple JPEG and as a PDF with color chart.

I have to say, the free KG-Chart software I used was pretty awesome. It was incredibly user-friendly, and included pre-programmed palettes for both DMC and Danish Flower Thread. You can export your final pattern as a jpeg, or print it out with a color chart and comments. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to make their own geeky cross stitch patterns.

Free Zero Punctuation pot holder pattern

Zero Punctuation Potholder

Zero Punctuation is one of my absolute favorite web video series. I love hearing Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw’s hilariously scathing video game reviews just as much as I enjoy watching the cheerfully warped animations that illustrate them.

So, I was over the moon when I came across Ilana‘s  free pattern for Zero Punctuation Imp pot holders. These little scamps translate really well into knitted form, and would bring a touch of fun into any geeky kitchen.  

You may recognize Ilana’s work from the  Star Trek pot holders that were featured here on Geek Crafts last month. I’m looking forward to seeing what other awesome patterns she comes up with!