Crochet Creature Connection

Roxy Craft Crochet CreaturesJust as geek crafts can be found in the strangest of place, so too can geeky crafters.

The last place you might think of looking for one would be in the U.S. Army. However, that is precisely where the creator of these two charming, crocheted fellows can be found.

Made from Roxycraft patterns (that seem to be out-of-print, sadly), these little guys were stitched up by my brother-in-law when he was stationed in the Middle East last year.

When you craft gifts for a friend or loved one, you can’t help but keep them in mind as you work on the project: will they like the color? Will it fit right? Will they get the in-joke I incorporated? Will it go straight to the Goodwill box?

So, I like to think that stitching these — as well as the other creatures he made for his family — helped give him a sort of quiet connection to the people he loved back home.  It makes these plushies all the more special to know that he was thinking of us when he was half a world away.

Not to mention, they’re friggin’ awesome! I still can’t get over the dragon’s wings. Or it’s little toes…

Everyone’s Favorite Elder God

Now you can have everyone’s favourite elder god in plushie form. He’ll protect you from the monsters in your closet and under your bed while you sleep.

You can have him made in any colour you can imagine. You even make him sparkly! Sparklethulhu!

He just looks so huggable! Who doesn’t want an elder god they can hug?

Find him on Etsy

Concertina’s shop on Etsy

More Cthulhu-y goodness on Geek Crafts