Poison Ivy plush is sweet venom

poisonivyplushBatman villain Poison Ivy is best known for her ability to control plant life, using it to wreak havoc on Gotham City. Now, Michele Legendre adds “criminally cute” to the super-villain’s list of powers, and not even the Dark Knight will be able to resist Ivy’s sheer adorableness.

Spotted on DeviantART, this plush Poison Ivy is handmade out of eco-friendly felt made from recycled bottles (which is quite appropriate for this “green” crusader), safety eyes, and airbrush paint.

Michele has worked her stitching magic to make sweet, softie versions of other comic book and video game icons, such as Hellboy and Scott Pilgrim‘s Kim Pine

EDIT: Her Etsy store, Deadly Sweet Plushes, is open for business again, and she’ll begin accepting custom orders mid-January 2011.

Ramona Flowers Bag

I don’t know about you but I for one, loved Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It was all kinds of nerd love.

I also had a soft spot for Ramona, possibly because her hair changed colour every other scene.

What I loved best about her though was her totally awesome bag.

Well, you and I can have this bag now! That’s right!

Farfallagialla also offers them in
different colours, so you can have one
to match your hair, whether it’s blue,
pink or green.

Buy this bag.
farfallagialla’s shop on Etsy.
Scott Pilgrim on Amazon.