A Nerd Bouquet

sherlock doctor who bouquet

What’s geekier than a Sherlock Holmes wedding? How about a Doctor Who wedding? Or… wait for it… a Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who wedding? Sadly, I can’t access what I hope are many more pictures because flickr is being janky, but the first image is quite promising! It’s a bridal bouquet made from pages of Sherlock Holmes and with a sonic screwdriver stem. And, if the bouquet doesn’t satisfy your Whovian/Holmesian cravings, just rewatch (yes, I said rewatch; I know you’ve all seen it at least once!) the Doctor and Sherlock face off via the song “Anything You Can Do.”

2 thoughts on “A Nerd Bouquet”

  1. Oh, that’s fabulous, Elsa! This is the right way to do a geek wedding without going full Klingon. ;-) Love the dress, too!

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